Bunzl R3 is determined to help preserve the environment through sustainability. As the leading distributor of disposable and non-disposable goods, we see it as our responsibility to ensure that we meet the parameters described in our Environmental Policy below:
Our objective is to reduce our impact on the environment, including factors contributing to climate change, through a commitment to continual improvement, complying with environmental legislation and regulations in the jurisdictions where Group companies operate to ensure that our major impacts are addressed:
We continually seek to reduce the amount of fuel used by our fleet by the introduction of energy efficient vehicles, routing systems and improving drivers’ skills. Further, we strive to reduce the electricity we use for lighting our warehouses by the use of available technologies and where possible appropriate building modifications. We only heat warehouses where necessary due to either regulation and/or cold weather conditions.
We promote the reduction of waste through the elimination of packaging and encourage reuse and recycling throughout our operations. We also seek to assist our customers to reduce their environmental impact by providing consolidated delivery and provision of environmentally friendly products.
Right Quality
Right Choice is the brand that is both economical and ecological. Most of our products are both compostable and bio-degradable, made either from Virgin Pulp or 100% recycled material. Right Choice brand provides the right products, the right quality at the right value. RIGHT CHOICE.
Find out more about Bunzl R3 Sustainability